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A Word from Debbe...
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"When you’re homeless, it’s so horrible that it’s really difficult to describe. You feel have no self-esteem, no self-respect. Without the hope of Jesus, there’s nothing that a homeless can even think about in their life. There’s no goal, there’s no hope, there’s just destruction. It’s really awful."

"The book of James commands us to have our faith accompanied by action and that if we see a brother or sister without food or clothing, not to just say ‘Go, I wish you well, keep warm and well fed,’ but to do something about that in tangible ways."

"When I go out in the streets and see somebody digging in the garbage pail to eat, I feel that I’m not going to say ‘Well, let me go home and pray about it.’ I want to be there to meet that need because that’s what Jesus did."

"Homeless people aren’t a trusting people, because they’ve had so many hard things happen in their lives and their hard hearts have turned to become callused."

"They need a place to come to the mission where they can just sit and rest at the Lord’s feet and let Him minister to them - get fed spiritually. That is so important."

"To minister to their emotional needs is to set them back where they know that the Lord first of all cares about them, that they can start to care about themselves; that they have to have responsibility, that they have to not serve self, because homeless people have self on the throne of their lives."

"I could not imagine not devoting myself 100% to the Lord. I just have such a mighty God, that He forgave me so much. He pulled me out of that slimy pit, and out of the mud and mire, and He loved me that much."

"And I look at the people that society can step over and just kind of push to the side. I don’t look at them through people’s eyes, I look at them through my Father’s eyes. I don’t see them for what they are, I see them for what they can be. And I know that there’s the hope and when they just feel so devastated, I want to tell them that they’re not going through anything other than what I’ve been through and what the Lord’s rescued me from. And I want them to know that."

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Last modified: September 16, 1998